Don’t let this happen to you. Instead, be proactive and take the opportunity, at least once a year, to evaluate your organization and your position in it, along with your personal career assets. The three questions below should help you assess where you stand.
Are you working for the right organization?
If your organization is a great one, and your job isn’t working for you, look to find another position in another part of your company. The people who can help you most are those who have recently moved within the organization or those whose positions span more than one business area — like auditing or human resources. Otherwise, time to tune up your resume.
Use the summer months to reflect, network and plan your next career move. Think about what you really want in terms of work. Do you want to spa or are you curious whether we have nice companies in our network? Contact us directly and discover how we can breathe new life into your career together. Summer is your moment!
Read the interesting article of HBR http://bit.ly/3WqU4n6